Shop online with GuestPay

Shop online from your favourite brands or discover new ones. With access to exclusive offers, you’ll save when you use GuestPay to make a payment.

How it works?

Use GuestPay to save on cash while shopping online.

Simply choose to pay with GuestPay at shop checkout. 

Step 1

Shop online at any of our partners

Step 2

Choose to pay with GuestPay at shop checkout.

How Etihad GuestPay Works

What is Etihad GuestPay?

How do I use Etihad GuestPay?

What are the benefits of using Etihad GuestPay?

Earning and Redeeming Miles

How do I earn miles with Etihad GuestPay?

How do I redeem miles with Etihad GuestPay?

What if I don’t have enough miles?

Can I use both miles and a payment card?

How long does it take to get my miles?

Transactions and Refunds

Where can I see my transactions?

How do I cancel or return a purchase?

Will I get a refund if I cancel?

Will I get a refund if I cancel?

How do I request a refund?

When will I get my refund?

What happens to my miles if I cancel an order?

Data Security

Where can I find your terms and conditions?

What is your privacy policy?